Thank You for Your Support

Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed

for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness; 11. you will be enriched in

everything for all liberality, which through us is producing thanksgiving to God.


~ 2 Corinthians 9:10-11 ~



The work of our Foreign Literature Mission may be viewed at 


Donations to Bible Study Project and Bible Training for the World, its foreign literature ministry, are received by Continue to Give, a first-rate missionary and church support organization, and are then transferred to the church of which I am a missionary, Cornerstone Community Fellowship Church of Kona, Hawaii, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

To date, June 24, 2024, an estimated 95,000 copies of my A Handbook of Bible Doctrine have been printed and distributed in broadly spoken languages of Ethiopia and India for ministerial training, enabled solely by donation partners, each of which is greatly appreciated by Bible Study Project and the teachers and students in Ethiopia and India. If you'd like a Handbook emailed to you, simply let me know. No donation required.


At the very least, please pray for Bible Study Project! We are bearing amazing fruit with the little that we comes in, but would like to multiply our effectiveness for the glory of God and the salvation and maturation of multitudes whom Messiah died for!  

Thank You, Very Much!


Blessings to you,

In Jesus' Name,
For Bible Study Project,
Norm Manzon


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                              Scriptures used by the author are generally in the New King James or New American Standard translations.
                             Scriptures in quotations by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum are in the American Standard Version.
                                 Scriptures quoted by others may be in other translations.


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U.S. Donors to Bible Study Project will receive tax-deductible receipts from Cornerstone Community Fellowship Church of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, and from Continue to Give, its missionary
and church support organization.  

© Norman Manzon 2011 - 2024
All rights reserved.


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