The Bible Study Project and
Bible Training for the World's 

Mission Statement and Report

By Norman Manzon

16. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
for training in righteousness; 
17. so that the man of God may be adequate,
equipped for every good work.


~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ~


Bible Study Project and Bible Training for the World are overlapping facets of the same ministry. Bible Study Project came first and is the name of this website, but now includes Bible Training for the World,  which emphasizes Bible Study Project's growing foreign ministry outreach, which has already produced over 101,000 copies of the author's A Handbook of Bible Doctrine in native languages, first for India and now for Ethiopia, primarily for the training of pastors. According to Zemen Endale Lashetew, coordinator of a pastoral training center in Sululta, Ethiopia, declared that there are "calls for the booklet from all corners of the country." Almost 15,000 other pieces of literature have gone to these countries, as well. Zemen has also broadcast my Handbook in the Ethiopian languages of Amharic and Afaan Oromo to a potential listening audience of 25,000,000 in Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti, twenty-five per cent of whom are Muslim. 


Mission Statement

Our mission exists for the promotion of the Word of God by means of a complete series of in-depth conservative, evangelical English and foreign language Bible studies on this website, the printing of Bible studies and related literature in native languages for the training of pastors and other of God's children on the foreign mission field, and by any and all similar means. May the Lord see fit to multiply this work! 

Ministry Facts


This ministry joins the many others so dedicated; yet, there is a particular contribution that this ministry offers that many do not: the understanding of many portions of Scripture from the vantage point of the Jewish mindset of the writers and speakers of both Testaments and of the many Jewish people they wrote of, wrote to, spoke of and spoke to, thereby shedding light on Bible situations and passages that the reader may otherwise be unaware of. Critical matters of interpretation often rest on such understanding.


Though the outreach is to all and for the benefit of all, a particular burden abides in my heart, the same burden that the apostle to the Gentiles carried, though I cannot say that I carry it to the same degree!


I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh,
who are Israelites.


~ Romans 9:2-4 ~


False doctrine in the synagogue and the church has brought tragedies of holocaust proportions upon the Jews and has misled or driven countless multitudes of them into an eternity without their Messiah. I dedicate my life to the dissemination of sound doctrine across the board, but bear a particular concern as to what Scripture truly says about Israel and the Jew, how God views them, and how the church is to relate to them.

Ministry Hope

It is the hope of this ministry to multiply the number of studies and their readership, to make the studies available in various hard copy and online formats in English and other languages, as well as to upgrade the website and the volume of its readership as the Lord enables. 

Ministry Need

The lion's share of the translations have been done by volunteers, but the printing of the studies has been funded by Bible Study Project by the largess of a very small handful of donors. Neither I nor anyone else at Bible Study Project receives a salary. All production of studies, placing them on the website, the bookkeeping, etc., requires thousands of hours of time and has been completely voluntary. Please ask the Lord if He would have you or your church come aboard as a supporter via the options on the donation page. Of course, one-time gifts are gratefully received, but it's the ongoing donations that sustain computer upkeep, web site fees, the printing of foreign language materials and the like. Kindly consider asking the Lord if He would have you to be a sustaining donor to the work. The lion's share of donations to this ministry is invested in the foreign mission field.


To receive the Handbook


My Handbook does not appear on the website in English. If you'd like to receive an online copy of this twenty-five page summary of my studies, please let me know via the Contact page. I would be more than happy to send you one.


For Our Savior, 
Norm Manzon 


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                              Scriptures used by the author are generally in the New King James or New American Standard translations.
                             Scriptures in quotations by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum are in the American Standard Version.
                                 Scriptures quoted by others may be in other translations.


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U.S. Donors to Bible Study Project will receive tax-deductible receipts from Cornerstone Community Fellowship Church of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, and from Continue to Give, its missionary
and church support organization.  

© Norman Manzon 2011 - 2024
All rights reserved.


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